There is a Meadow in My Perfect World

There's a meadow
in my perfect world
Where wind dances
the branches of a tree
Casting leopard spots of light
across the face of a pond
The tree stands tall
and grand and alone
Shading the world beneath it.
There will come a day
when I rest against its spine.
And look out over a valley
where the sun warms, but never burns.
I will watch leaves turn
Green, then amber, then crimson
Then no leaves at all.
But the tree will not die.
For in this place,
winter never comes.
It is here, in the cradle
of all I hold dear,
I guard every memory of you.
And when I find myself frozen
in the mud of the real
far from your loving eyes,
I will return to this place,
close mine
and take solace in the simple
perfection of knowing you.

- from Wind River featuring Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen


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